Monday, October 23, 2006

new video monday

taken from various sources cause i be lazy today ;)
thanks to fetch me some music, subpop and popjustice

fergie - fergalicious

the dears - whites only party
(it's like morrissey was reborn. i love these guys!)

cansei de ser sexy - alala
(i keep on waiting to get all crazy about them, but somehow they just don't electro out enough for me. i like them, but that's about it. great video though!)

band of horses - the great salt lakes
(i just love this band! not the best video, but who cares?)

jamelia - beware of the dog
(finally released. this should have been single #1 from the beginning)

pink - nobody knows
(what a weird 4th single - still you can't deny the lady can sing)

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