Saturday, October 24, 2009

CMJ 2009 highlight: fool's good - surprise hotel

fools gold - surprise hotel
[from prefix mag:

Fool’s Gold, the side project of Foreign Born hombre numero uno Lewis Pesacov, has too many things going for it to keep it as a side project for long. For one, Fool’s Gold are all about Afro-pop, which, as anyone with an RSS full of remixes that can only be described as “tropical” can tell you, is hot shit right now. Second, they have a guy (Luke Top) who sings in Hebrew throughout most of the album. Hebrew! Can you believe it? Fool’s Gold is the only band that could appear in Fader and JWeekly at the same time. It’s like the members of Fool’s Gold work-shopped how to make themselves more highly bloggable, and they totally succeeded.]

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