Thursday, March 04, 2010

WONGIE DISCOVERY: the kissaway trail - SDP

the kissaway trail - sdp
[review from contact music:

Critics who claim that Danish five piece The Kissaway Trail are a poor man's Arcade Fire will doubtless have a self satisfied grin on their faces during SDP, Sleep Mountain's opener. Complete with church bells, barnstorming sounding piano and a baroque, almost choral midsection, it's six minutes of convention-defying alt.pop with knobs on. Unless of course you already have a copy of Neon Bible.

But hold on. As revered as Win Butler and co. are in critical circles for realising that music is still a possible delivery method for art, after it's derivative beginning Sleep Mountain goes on to demonstrate that the Danes are far from one trick ponies.

This is a record which has the feeling of wide open spaces, not perhaps a world as pixie inhabited as that of that Sigur Ros, but one in which Phil Spector can be seen hanging out with Ian Anderson in his Songs From The Wood phase. Were everything merely pretty however it would be difficult to sustain this aura over eleven songs, and thankfully there are some angular and less expected departures to keep listeners on their toes.]

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